For the Weird Kid Who Has Everything: A Nicolas Cage Activity Book


Your film editor has a baby girl who is about to turn one, and my wife and I are looking ahead at the kinds of coloring books and activity literature that we’d like to start putting in front of her. There’s some good stuff out there, but I can’t help noticing that they’re all suspiciously short of one important element: actor Nicolas Cage. Lucky for me, newbie UK press Haunt Me has stepped in to fill that void with Snake Eyes: A Nicolas Cage Activity Book, featuring paper dolls, mazes, searches, and more, all inspired by the slightly unhinged thesp. They’ve been kind enough to share a few pages with us; for more info (and to order a copy of your own), head over to their Tumblr.

“Slick Nick” by Kristyna Baczynski

“Face Off” by Dazeray

“Finding Arizona” by Murray Somerville

“Uncage Nicolas” by Jack Bailey

“Cage Chat Up Lines” by Laura Callaghan

“Nic Cage” by Sarah Haug

Cover Art, courtesy of Haunt Me Studio
