Help Grow a Fresh Food Movement


Alarming but true: Nearly 24 million people in the US live in neighborhoods where fresh produce isn’t available. Wholesome Wave is a national nonprofit that strives to make healthy, locally grown food more affordable and available to people in underserved rural and urban communities. Check out the video below to learn more about how Wholesome Wave is changing the world we eat in.

Since 2013, Naked Juice has partnered with Wholesome Wave to help eradicate these food deserts. Through the Drink Good. Do Good. program, you helped Naked Juice donate 150,000 pounds of produce last year.

This year we’re aligning with Naked Juice and Wholesome Wave to help them donate even more. With a goal of donating 500,000 pounds of produce in 2014, we need your help! To easily donate 1lb of fresh fruits and veggies to neighborhoods in need, head to the Drink Good. Do Good. site. Double feel-good bonus: by sharing your email you also get a $1 off coupon for Naked Juice.

The monetary equivalent of fruits & veggies will be donated. Max donation $450,000. Ends 10/31/14.