There are scores of TV shows out there, with dozens of new episodes each week, not to mention everything you can find on Hulu Plus, Netflix streaming, and HBO Go. How’s a viewer to keep up? To help you sort through all that television has to offer, Flavorwire is compiling the five best moments on TV each week. This round, some live musicals and Star Wars talk to take your mind off this terrible, terrible week.
Allison Williams Headlines Drag Show
This happened, Christopher Walken was in on it too, and the nation hate-watched. You can, too, if you didn’t catch NBC’s throwback to the 1950s (when these things were called “spectaculars” and not “grabs for ratings”) live… which was theoretically the whole point.
Jon Stewart Drops the Comedy
This has been a no good, very bad week for many, many reasons. Here, Jon Stewart addresses perhaps the worst news of the past seven days: a Staten Island jury’s decision not to indict the NYPD officer who killed Eric Garner. Like Stewart, I don’t really know how to express my sadness and anger, but needless to say, Stewart did a better job of trying.
Marc Maron Calls Kale the Scourge It Is
Here, have some more comedy to wash the memory of this garbage week away. Marc Maron, host of a very wonderful podcast everyone should listen to, wisely observes that our obsessions with kale and bacon are mirror opposites of one another and comes to the logical conclusion: good versus evil has been replaced by unreasonably healthy vegetable versus delicious meat product. Watch his explanation above.
Amy Dumps Her Non-Jake Boyfriend
As Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s resident “will they, won’t they” couple edges ever closer to “they totally will,” the Fox sitcom gives viewers a road trip episode where Amy breaks up with her pilsner-brewing placeholder and Jake continues to hang out with Eva Longoria. Not that Eva isn’t a self-evident catch, but she’s probably not long for this show now that Teddy’s out of the picture.
Stephen Colbert Defends a Lightsaber
And finally, Colbert takes on this week’s most important controversy: that weird cross guard JJ Abrams and company decided to stick onto the good ol’ lightsaber. Colbert thinks it’s a good thing, and totally won’t slice Jedi/Sith Lords’ hands off.