Cheeky, Fictional ’70s-Era Porn Magazines for Synth Lovers


For the music snob who fetishizes their synth is a collection of fictional, naughty magazine covers boasting hilarious titles and article teasers (written by Simon Holland and Dave Williams), spotted on Dangerous Minds. “I was asked to imagine a series of seventies-era magazines aimed at young men seriously into synthesizers and electronic organs which would all betray their sexist origins by their covers!” artist Rachel Laine explains. The covers are part of the Bedroom Cassette Masters project — “eclectic selections of lo-fi electronica produced in bedrooms around the globe between 1980-89.” See more synthtastic porn covers in our gallery.

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine

Image credit: Rachel Laine