Every year, I promise myself that I’m going to make a conscious effort to fill in my blind spots, to break out those Criterion discs that I’ve bought because it’s one of the movies I’m supposed to have seen by now. And every year, life happens: family, work, festivals, books to read, new movies to see, etc. On one hand, it’s depressing that I still haven’t managed to get to Alphaville. On the other, at least I don’ thave to think up a new cultural resolution every year. — Jason Bailey, Film Editor
No matter what kind of embittered narcissist Jessica Lange plays, no matter what kind of kooky comic relief Frances Conroy plays, no matter what form of anachronistic karaoke pops up next season, I will not give in and waste any more time on American Horror Story. — Moze Halperin, Associate Editor
Travel more. It doesn’t seem like a specifically cultural resolution, but it is — New York may be the cultural capital of the US, but it isn’t the center of the universe. There’s great art happening all over the world, and in 2015, I plan to see a whole lot more of it. — Judy Berman, Editor-in-Chief
In a perfect world, I would follow around Sugar Ray on tour but realistically, I’m just going to try to watch more dramas instead of sticking to mostly sitcoms. — Pilot Viruet, TV Editor
I can’t keep up with my appetite for books, so I’d like to spend this year catching up with the unread titles in my library — starting with Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty. — Alison Nastasi, Weekend Editor
Let’s be honest: Netflix makes it very easy to be lazy and up on its current offerings to the detriment of an actual movie canon and I’d rather spend more time watching or renting films that I want to see, like the complete Billy Wilder. Additionally: say yes to a variety of New York events in New York because living in New York is wonderful. — Elisabeth Donnelly, Nonfiction Editor
Not abandoning The Wire after only watching the pilot, partially so I don’t have to keep coming up with polite excuses to abandon mansplain-y party conversations when this fact inevitably comes out. — Jillian Mapes, Music Editor
Read more. Drink less. The two may not be entirely unrelated. — Tom Hawking, Deputy Editor
Simply put, I’ve got to read more. Working in the offices of Flavorwire, and especially with the hyper-informed books editors, has convinced me that no, I am not the reader I thought I was. And I should be, goddammit. — Shane Barnes, Editorial Apprentice
Read every good novel. Don’t miss a single one. Write the first and best piece on each. Also: Don’t die. — Jonathon Sturgeon, Literary Editor
I resolve to read more books for pleasure, which isn’t to say just give in and read the whole Outlander series and nothing else. Rather, I want to read more books because I want to, because I think I’ll be immersed and moved and wowed, and not because I should so I can keep up with the cool kids in Brooklyn. — Sarah Seltzer, Editor-at Large