On the complete flip side, it’s both considered blasphemous and unheard of to hate the Before (Sunrise, Sunset, Midnight) trilogy. The notion that watching two intellectually competent, emotionally flawed adults meander through cities (and sometimes the country!) is such a universally enjoyable and thought-provoking experience unifies a great many people. If you’re like me and are among the masses who can’t get enough of Céline and Jesse, this roundtable at Consequence of Sound — in which Dominick Mayer, Blake Goble and Justin Gerber argue over which of these philosophizing promenades is the most resonant — is definitely a worthwhile read.
And if for some inexplicable reason you’re not the type of person who likes to watch two other normal people have a 2-hour conversation you could just as easily have any time with another person IRL (that is, if you’re magical like Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawk and fell in love over the course of a fucking night in Austria) — if for some reason you’re into people doing things with their bodies besides walking — there’s always the ubiquitous worlds of Marvel movies to disappear into. But many of those worlds no longer belong to Marvel — with so many projects going on circling Marvel’s characters, it’s hard to keep track of who’s doing what. If it’s a concern to you, here’s a helpful infographic that shows exactly who’s in possession of which characters.
Now go, be merry, listen to your Gotye.