Photorealistic Paintings Give Vintage Photos a Cultural Makeover


David Lyle is a cultural archaeologist, digging through thrift store bins, online auctions, and flea market photo stacks for the perfect subjects. The New York City-based artist, whose work we discovered on Design you Trust, reimagines lost snapshots from the ‘50s through ‘70s in his oil paintings, adding modern details that mock, celebrate, and comment on American nostalgia. Most of his transformations are naturalistic and seamless, which presents an uncanny meeting of the past and present.

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle

Image credit: David Lyle