1. Why Jewish Women Scare Lena Dunham (and the Rest of Hollywood)
2.. Psst, You Do Realize a Boycott Is Discrimination, Right?
3. Sorry to Disappoint the Social-Justice Warriors, but the Faithful Won’t Yield on Religious Liberty
4. Currently In Power: The Google Administration
5. How Colleges Protect Their Students (Unless They’re Male, Conservative, or Jewish)
6. If State Allows Businesses to Refuse Service to Gays, Should They Post Warning on the Door?
7. Now They’re Opening an Abortion ‘Spa’ in D.C.
8. Fancypants Ivy Leaguers From $71,358 School To Protest Minimum Wage For A Few Hours
9. ‘Guntry clubs’ soar in popularity with Second Amendment Enthusiasts
10. 14 Photos Of John Kerry Looking For A Nuclear Deal With Iran
11. I’m Quitting My University Job to Be a Stay at Home Mom
Click through to the next page for the answers.
Answer Key:
1. Conservative Headline (PJ Media)
2. Conservative Headline (PJ Media)
3. Conservative Headline (The National Review)
4. Conservative Headline (The Daily Caller)
5. Conservative Headline (PJ Media)
6. Conservative Headline (PJ Media)
7. Conservative Headline (PJ Media)
8. Conservative Headline (The Daily Caller)
9. Conservative Headline (The Washington Times)
10. Conservative Headline (Bretibart.com)
11. April Fools’ Joke (From a fiend on Facebook! Keep leaning in, friend!)