Avengers: Age of Ultron debuted this weekend, and one brave (or crazy) writer decided the best way to view the movie would be to first sit through every other Marvel movie leading up to it. This article tells the rest of us mortals exactly what that was like, and how the viewer (predictably) almost lost his mind.
If you desire a more visceral method of brushing up against mortality than a 30-hour movie marathon, you can now pay to die — sort of. You won’t be in any physical danger, and you won’t actually die, but you’ll undergo the simulated experience of what it’s like to be cremated and reborn. If that seems too bleak, you could go a less intense route and simply read this essay about starting your life over at 35. Then, shifting away from existential questioning, allow yourself a moment of pure wonderment with these photos of “improbable” libraries around the world.