Big Boo Does Bowie: Links You Need to See


As we gear up for Orange Is the New Black‘s third, alleged “sexiest season yet” (according to new cast member Ruby Rose), material anticipating the upcoming mass-binge has been in abundance. First, Lea Delaria, who plays Big Boo (and also played New York’s real-life subway hero back in November) has an album coming out, and she’s shared the arrestingly stylish cover. Said cover happens to contain an album that’s a jazz reworking of David Bowie songs, and it’s called House of David: delaria + bowie = jazz. Meanwhile, Matt McGorry, one of the stars of the thus-far most lackluster continued plot lines on the show (who also plays Asher in How to Get Away With Murder), is doing something a little more fetching on Twitter: he’s devoted a great deal of his account recently to learning about and posting about feminism. Jezebel interviewed him on “the task of publicly exploring what it means to be an intersectional feminist.”

In other TV news, Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) rode a dragon in Sunday’s GOT episode, “The Dance of Dragons” — and fans of dragons and their mothers swooned — and here’s why (hint, making something so swoon-worthy was expensive). In EW, showrunner/creator David said, ” I remember calling Gerorge and saying, first of all, congratulations, that scene’s incredible. Second, I have no idea how we’re ever going to put that on screen.” Their answer was a higher budget. The Creators Project further delves into the shooting of the scene, interviewing VFX supervisor Jabbar Raisani on the “dragon shaped green gimbal” that mimicked the (hypothetical) motions a dragon would make. If anything involving dragons or other mythical creatures is an instant turn-off, perhaps learning the inner workings of something a little tamer — like, say, a water tower — will be more in the realm of interest.

Miley Cyrus, “perhaps her generation’s most unlikely social activist, and also one of its most powerful” is on the cover of Paper Magazine, for an interview (link NSFW) about the Happy Hippie Foundation (which helps homeless LGBT youth, using both art and animal therapies). In the interview, she furthers her fight to upend the way America still associates sex with shame (perhaps soon I won’t feel obligated to write “NSFW” before linking to celebrities posing nude with pigs) and discriminates based on gender and sexuality. She said:

I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult — anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me…I don’t relate to being boy or girl, and I don’t have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.