Musical Theater Eats Itself and America Gets a New Poet Laureate: Links You Need To See


Hey, you, Yuccie. Yes, you. Apparently, there’s a new term in town to describe the “millenn-intelligensia” roaming parts of northern Brooklyn and other major U.S. cities. Characteristics include: believing that your talents aren’t being tapped at your current job and owning multiple copies of Freedom by Jonathan Franzen. Yuccies might not be so willing to admit to liking musical theater (but may secretly harbor a flame for it), and thus might allege that they find the musical-theater-is-eating-itself news of Smash‘s fake Broadway musical being performed on Broadway off-putting. They might, however, be more vocally interested to hear that Hillary Clinton has a new Instagram account, which is trying to make #Hillary2016 move from the Internetz into the White House. The first photo? Nine pantsuits.

Are a person with a baby face? Are you 30 years old right now and still getting carded when you buy beer? Like Halle Berry, who is 48 but still looks young enough to be a Yuccie? A new Harvard study has found that it might just be your “younger genes” at work, which are responsible for better DNA repair and your skin’s ability to protect you against UV rays and the like. Maybe this hot ripped cop who has been making the Instagram rounds has those younger genes at play. Maybe not. But Mindy Kaling definitely does, since she still looks like a twenty-something (and she’ll call you out for being a dick about her outfit).

Not-Yuccie poet Juan Felipe Herrera just found out that he’ll become the 21st US Poet Laureate, and the first Hispanic person to hold the position. Electric Lit calls him “an exceptionally eclectic wordsmith,” and has featured one of his poems in honor of his appointment, while the New York Times has already run a profile on him.