Christian Broadcasting Network
In 1987, a man named Thomas Haynie who worked for the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded by Pat Robertson, hijacked the Playboy Channel’s signal. They were airing the film Three Daughters at the time. The image contained a message that urged viewers to get right with God. The case went to trial, and Haynie was convicted and sentenced to probation. It should be noted that the hijacking took place the same year that Robertson was in the running for the Republican presidential nomination.
Gay porn on CHCH TV
Oops. A cable company accidentally hijacked a local TV station: “Joey Stewart, 32, was in his downtown dentist office Friday morning getting a temporary crown. While waiting for it to harden, his dentist flipped on the TV to CHCH. Suddenly, Stewart and his dentist found themselves watching explicit gay pornography.”
Zombie attack
Four TV stations were hacked with a phony emergency alert system message about “dead bodies rising from their graves.” The zombie invasion was fake (unfortunately!), but home audiences in Montana, New Mexico, and Michigan got a good scare.
Nuclear explosion on Czech television
NBD, just some Czech people eating their cereal and watching the Sunday morning show Panorama (featuring panoramic shots of their country), mistaking a hacker art collective’s CGI nuclear explosion for the real thing.
An Australian broadcast of the Canadian TV series Mayday was interrupted by an eerie audio loop in 2007. “Jesus Christ, help us all, Lord,” played repeatedly for six minutes. An investigation was unable to determine if pirates had hijacked the station or if the religious message was an accidental case of crossed wires.