Behold Maya Rudolph’s Rachel Dolezal Impression


Maya Rudolph — who has a pretty immense lineup of exciting new projects in the works — stopped by Late Night with Seth Meyers and recalled an old project: doing impersonations on SNL. Since she left the show in 2007, she’s experienced the very typical phenomenon of people telling her they wish she’d return to the show to mock so-and-so. Recently, she told Seth Meyers, she’s experienced a surge in this — akin to Tina Fey being pestered about playing Sarah Palin — after Rachel Dolezal’s labyrinthine racial fabrication story momentarily overtook the news. Thus, she took the opportunity to humor everyone: Meyers played the famous clip of Dolezal being outed by an interviewer, while Rudolph half-assedly plopped a wig atop her head and imitated the much-memed, scrunched facial expressions that came out of the interrogation. Watch:

Via Splitsider.