The imagination of the Angulo brothers runs dark and wild in “Mirror Heart,” their short film for VICE, which starts when a human-sized, DIY, portable telephone places a call: “To get some sun, press 1. For flu, press 2. Stung by a bee? Press 3.” The phone is antagonized by a giant bee, which is turn gives life to two crepe paper flower figures. Soon, a ghost-faced construction worker and a white octopus enter their world, and the four struggle to communicate and to come to terms with the bee’s slow death. Pretty damn straightforward.
The Angulo brothers (and their sister) were the subjects of Sundance Grand Jury Prize winner, The Wolfpack , a documentary which followed their unusual lives as they learned about the world for the first time. The siblings had been confined to their Manhattan apartment for fourteen years by a domineering father who kept them and their mother under lock and key. They all passed the time learning about the world through Hollywood movies, and the brothers have said that the short film was inspired by directors like David Lynch and Steven Soderberg.