One of the many promising elements of Roadies, a new Showtime series from Cameron Crowe, was the presence of Christina Hendricks in the leading role of Shelli, the production manager of the band at the show’s center. But now Deadline is reporting that role is being recast, and the pilot is being rewritten and reshot by writer/director Crowe.
The anonymous source behind Deadline’s story “emphasized that it was a creative decision to revamp the character and the parting was amicable.”
The start-from-scratch move on Roadies is the latest bump in a rather turbulent year for Jerry Maguire director Crowe, whose latest film Aloha was greeted with vicious reviews (though not here!) and tepid box office after early test screening results leaked during the Sony hack.
No word yet on who will take over the role for Hendricks, who won’t have any trouble keeping busy; she’s currently appearing on Another Period , is in the forthcoming film adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s Dark Places , and recently wrapped Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon alongside Keanu Reeves and Elle Fanning.