“This Is Me Having My Menopause, Deal With It”: Links You Need to See


In a refreshingly frank video released today in conjunction with Olie, jewelry designer Sarah Jane Adams confounds the usual language surrounding menopause. “Menopause for me, has been very liberating, it’s not something I was ashamed or embarrassed about,” says Adams, speaking while simultaneously striping away her layers of clothing. “It’s something people use when they want to insult you,” she says, “they say ‘Oh, you must be going through menopause.’ Fuck off. That’s what’s good about menopause, because you can actually say it.”

The fourth episode of True Detective season 2 aired last night, and unfortunately, it may have continued to thin the season’s viewers. With characters spouting lines like “You’ve got the biggest aura I’ve ever seen,” with total sincerity, its hard not to think some sort of joke is being played. Vulture gave the show’s intro a Starsky and Hutch makeover, which makes the fictional show looks like it could’ve been far better than the real thing:

You might not have heard, but a little southern writer’s sophomore novel is being published tomorrow. Harper Lee’s eagerly anticipated Go Set a Watchman has been the most pre-ordered book since the final Harry Potter installment. Readings of To Kill a Mockingbird have been taking place around the country and people are lining up around the world to be the first to get their hands on a copy. SPOILER ALERT: In Watchman Atticus has become a bit of a daft racist, and Slate tracked down parents who named their child after the morally upright lawyer to get their take on his apparent change.

Now, big news! Ariana Grande will NOT be charged for her donut licking shenanigans, and you can now get on with your life. The owner of Wolfee Donuts will not press charges. Although, in the wake of the story, the store was inspected by the health department and got a measly B score, so the least Ariana can do is make (another) apology video.

A real life version of The Simpsons‘ Duff Beer will be brewed and sold in Chile and the Universal theme parks in Los Angeles and Orlando. It’s becoming official because unauthorized versions of the beer were being sold (and bought) in Chile, Mexico and Australia, and of course, Fox want in on the action. It might go down nicely with some muffin tops and some chocolate salty balls, with a Screaming Viking to finish the night off.