President Obama Will Have One Final ‘Daily Show’ Interview with Jon Stewart


The Daily Show returns next week with all new episodes, including host Jon Stewart’s final interview with President Obama on Tuesday. It will be the President’s seventh appearance on the show, and his third as President. The last interview aired in 2012 during his campaign run. “It’s a send-off for Stewart and an opportunity for Obama to sell his nuclear deal with Iran to a millennial audience,” writes Bloomberg White House correspondent Angela Greiling Keane on Obama’s final Jon Stewart interview. But Obama, the first sitting president to appear on a late-night television show, has been making the small-screen rounds and taking an alternative media route to the public. In May, he was also the final guest on The Late Show with David Letterman. Marc Maron’s podcast WTF recently featured an interview with the President. Stewart will leave The Daily Show after a 17-year tenure on August 6, after which Trevor Noah will take his seat.