Meanwhile, Dr. Freud has also diagnosed Frederick with homosexuality, which must be cured before he can join the Senate. Frederick’s incest doesn’t bother the good Herr Doctor, naturally, nor does his sub-moronic intelligence.
Victor, who is actually homosexual, is incensed and shows his frustration with Frederick’s diagnosis by beating up on the staff, as per usual.
Later, Hamish will put the gentlemen through their paces in a very failed, and very silly, gay conversion therapy scene.
The other major subplots — involving Chair using sex to get the Commodore to accommodate her needs and Hortense having a food-heavy affair with the hot new chef — continue to focus too exclusively on bodily fluids and grunting sounds. Sigh. Groan. Splat.
As much as I enjoy cream time and chowder baths myself, I have to admit that I’m sort of over the tired gags that take up too much of Another Period.