Planes, Trains, and UFOs Invade Japanese Woodblock Prints in Witty Animated GIFs


Ukiyo-e woodblock prints brought art to Japan’s bourgeoisie — and Japanese art to the world — beginning in the 17th century, when the style evolved out of older painting traditions. Now, a Japanese artist known as Segawa Thirty-Seven is bringing those iconic images of beautiful women and natural wonders into the 21st century. Using Adobe Photoshop and After Effects to create animated GIFs, the artist sets Hokusai’s legendary wave in motion and disrupts quiet, rural gatherings with speeding trains, plane crashes, and even a spaceship.

Click through to see a small selection of Segawa Thirty-Seven’s work, which we spotted via Designboom.

Image credit: Segawa Thirty-Seven

Image credit: Segawa Thirty-Seven

Image credit: Segawa Thirty-Seven

Image credit: Segawa Thirty-Seven

Image credit: Segawa Thirty-Seven