Mainstream Indie Rock Becomes Swiss Minimalist Design


Seemingly inspired by Swissted’s punk rock/Swiss modernist posters, Brooklyn-based graphic designer Devin Sager has embarked on a weekly design ritual that he describes as “a personal reaction to one album per week through the lens of Swiss minimalism.” Fittingly, it’s called Swissritual.You may think of The Decemberists as maritime kitsch maximalists, but Sager reimagines their What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World cover — through a geometric reaction to the album’s content — as a pleasantly simple, octagonal design. Meanwhile, Father John Misty’s rapturous, loving cynicism becomes a lone pink heart resting atop a foundation of gray ones in Sager’s I Love You, Honeybear cover. Both of these albums’ original covers were lavish and figurative, and, as per the tenets of Swiss minimalism, they become simplified as fetchingly flat compositions, attractive by virtue of their minor but masterfully ordered offerings. Scroll through the slideshow for more streamlined responses to (predominantly new, indie-mainstream) albums.

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager

Image Credit: Devin Sager