Watch Beyoncé Sing Nicki Minaj’s Praises á la Prince


Us peons who refuse to pay for a Tidal subscription still can’t watch Nicki and Bey perform “Feeling Myself” at Barclays Center the legit way, but we can settle for the next best thing: Beyoncé remixing Prince for her co-star!

“I met this girl named Nicki/I guess you could say she was the rap queen,” Bey croons, kicking off her customized version of “Darling Nikki.” In lieu of a music video (this is a twenty-second clip, after all), we get black-and-white footage of the two rehearsing their Barclays performance. It’s adorable, but it’s not 20-bucks-a-month adorable—hear that, Jay-Z?

Watch the full clip below: