Billy Eichner and James Corden Belt Their Recollections of “Helloweens” of Yore in Adele Parody Video


Adele’s “Hello” is so unbridled in its passion — and so hard to dislike — that it was only a matter of time before the spoofs started pouring in in tandem with the tears. Ellen recently did a spoof, and now so too have Billy Eichner and James Corden — and theirs (which aired on The Late Late Show) is particularly topical, as it’s a Halloween (or “Helloween,” as it goes in the video) rendition of the song and its Xavier Dolan directed music video.

Mostly, it’s worthwhile to see the sulky Billy Eichner belting from within a cow costume — as the two recollect — from across their giant phones — the Halloweens of yore where they would wander from door to door as Han and Chewbacca. (Corden, who won’t let go of the past, is still dressed as Chewie.)
