Here’s Your First Trailer for ‘Ride Along 2,’ Replete With Recycled Jokes from the Original


When Ride Along was released last year, expectations were pretty low. It was, after all, yet another buddy cop movie, dumped into the no-man’s-land of January (never a good sign). But thanks to an ad campaign carefully targeted at fans of stars Kevin Hart and Ice Cube, it was a big hit—and a profitable one, bringing in $153 million worldwide on a $25 million budget.

With that kind of return on investment—increasingly common in star-driven comedies—it’s no surprise Universal hurried a sequel into production, with a bulked-up supporting cast (including Benjamin Bratt, Olivia Munn, Ken Jeong, Sherri Sheperd, and Tyrese Gibson) and a tropical locale (Cube was apparently taking notes during 22 Jump Street). And now there’s a trailer:

If you liked the jokes in Ride Along, good news: it looks like many of them will be back in Ride Along 2! (Along with “We’ve got company,” which, c’mon.) But hey, it’s a goofy comedy sequel with a handful of likable actors, so let’s just keep expectations reasonable when it hits theaters on January 15.