Mad Max: Fury Road, a franchise-reviving film that was originally seen as nothing but a bad idea, continues its surprise dominance by topping the list of the Online Film Critics Society’s best films of 2015. The film, which stars Tom Hardy in the titular role that was once filled by an unknown Mel Gibson, grossed $375 million worldwide and completely shattered the anxious expectations of those who were rightfully wary of resuscitating a franchise that had been idle for three decades, so you can’t blame the OFCS for giving it top honors. This isn’t the first big award it’s won this year, and it hopefully won’t be the last.
Other big winners of the OFCS’ 19th annual awards were Rooney Mara and Cate Blanchett, both winning for their roles in the fantastic Carol. Surprisingly absent was the cast of Spotlight, which has been cleaning up these year-end awards.
Find the full list of winners below via Variety.
Best Picture: Mad Max: Fury Road Best Animated Feature: Inside Out Best Film Not in the English Language: The Assassin (Taiwan) Best Documentary: The Look of Silence Best Director: George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road) Best Actor: Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs) Best Actress: Cate Blanchett (Carol) Best Supporting Actor: Oscar Isaac (Ex Machina) Best Supporting Actress: Rooney Mara (Carol) Best Original Screenplay: Spotlight (Josh Singer, Tom McCarthy) Best Adapted Screenplay: Carol (Phyllis Nagy) Best Editing: Mad Max: Fury Road (Margaret Sixel) Best Cinematography: Mad Max: Fury Road (John Seale) Non-U.S. Films (Alphabetical Order): Aferim! Cemetery of Splendor The Club Dheepan The Lobster Mountains May Depart Mia Madre Rams Right Now, Wrong Then The Sunset Song