The contemporary idea of Santa Claus has been around since, what, the 1800s? Sounds like it’s time for a new bro in town, and thanks to Will Ferrell, that bro is here. Complete with bleach blond hair, Smash Mouth love, and shirts that say “daddy’s home” on the back, Santa for 1999 has finally arrived, and he’s better than ever.
Ferrell appeared on The Tonight Show to ostensibly promote his upcoming film Daddy’s Home, which explains, at the very least, the t-shirt. It doesn’t explain the out-of-touch bro character, or the t-shirt cannon that shoots things only 5 feet, or the sad fact that Santa will be delivering presents via drone, or Jimmy Fallon’s continued failure to play into any bit without cracking up constantly. But that’s what makes his show so great, right? Jimmy is so real!
Daddy’s Home, starring Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell doing very weird things to one another in order to win over the children of the woman of their dreams, is in theaters this Christmas, which is great because no other movies are released this time of year. None at all.
Watch the clip below. Oh, it also involves Will Ferrell sitting on some dude’s lap. Homoeroticism, y’all.