Miley Cyrus Shared Her “Milky Milky Milk” Stage with Pamela Anderson


If Taylor Swift can share her stage with Joan Baez, then by all means, Miley Cyrus can certainly share her stage with Pamela Anderson. And that’s exactly what she did.

The “Wrecking Ball” singer and adult baby welcomed Anderson to her Los Angeles stage last weekend, where she was wrapping up her “Milky Milky Milk” tour with her Dead Petz. Anderson wore a black onesie and had scrawled the words “No captivity” on her left leg, though she was not railing against the prison of masculinity or the systematic oppression of low-level drug abusers. No, she was fighting for whales. Specifically, she was fighting to “Save the whales,” if her sign is to be believed.

Miley adding Anderson to her girl squad isn’t the least bit surprising when one remembers that Miley is a huge (sexy?) animal rights activist, proven by the fact that her latest album with the Dead Petz featured at least four songs about animals. And Anderson herself has replaced her passion for acting with a passion for PETA. So, if nothing else, it’s surprising that this hadn’t already happened, especially because Miley’s whole shtick is about shock and awe.

Anyway, they didn’t make out or anything, so this is tame as far as Miley news goes. But Taylor should be on high alert: another girl squad is forming.