First Look At ‘Bridget Jones’s Baby’ Has Zero Babies


It’s been nearly fifteen years since the world heard Bridget Jones read from her diary, and now it’s time for the world to hear her give birth: Bridget Jones’s Baby is just around the corner, and we’ve finally got the pictures to prove it. Kind of.

No, there aren’t any sonograms or even any baby showers seen in this first look from Entertainment Weekly (via Slashfilm). There’s just plenty of Colin Firth and Patrick Dempsey, who plays Daniel Cleaver, the new — very different — rival to Firth’s Mr. Darcy. As Firth says, “He’s a very different kind of rival. He’s not somebody I’ve known since we were kids. He’s an outsider and he threatens Mark Darcy in a very, very different way than Daniel Cleaver did.” Specifically, it seems, he’s threatening Mr. Darcy over the paternity of Jones’s baby. Which sounds kind of gross, actually.

Bridget Jones’s Diary is one of the rare romantic comedies that has managed to endure more than a decade after its release, probably because of its supposed pedigree re: its being a retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The appeal of the film lies, unquestionably, in the charms of its cast, primarily Renee Zellweger. Fine, fine: the boys are OK, too.

Bridget Jones’s Baby is set for a September 16 release date.