Filipino ‘Hoverboard’ Priest Punished By Diocese For Being Awesome Holy Roller


If you’ve ever had to sit through a Catholic mass, you know that without enormous reserves of faith, the exercise can be mind-numbingly boring. So when a Catholic priest in the Philippines decided to spice up his service with the help of a self-balancing electric scooter (yeah, we know they don’t hover, but SEO, bro), his flock was most pleased. His Diocese? Not so much.

As the priest scooted up and down the aisle of the Manila church, mic in hand, he chanted “May the Good Lord bless and keep you.” When he hopped off to deliver his final blessing of the Christmas eve mass, his parishioners cheered. His wet noodle superiors, however, had a different response: “That was wrong. It is not a personal celebration where one can capriciously introduce something to get the attention of people.”

No word yet from the Cool Pope on whether the hottest Christmas gift of the season is unwelcome in venues outside the Diocese of San Pablo.