Paul Feig Reveals ‘Ghostbusters’ Action Figures, Throws Shade at “Where’s Rey?” Toy Failure


In the past weeks, fans have expressed dismay that several sets of action figures relating to Star Wars: The Force Awakens have conspicuously omitted the heroine of the story, Rey. Using the hashtag #wheresrey, they’ve spoken out, loudly, on social media.

Paul Feig who is helming the all-female Ghostbuster reboot due out this summer, couldn’t resist using the moment to tease the toys for his film, and he took the time to acknowledge the hashtag and activism by tweeting a much-anticipated picture of the four figure prototypes — representing characters played by Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy — with the hashtag #theresghostbusters.

He also assured his anxious followers that no one would be left out of the action figure game. He’s a collector too, you see, and wants to be able to have “all four” figures available. “We’ve been working on them since we went into production,” he assured a fan on Twitter. I collect too and so it’s important to me.”