Caitlyn Jenner and Buzz Bissinger to Co-Author Memoir About Transition


Caitlyn Jenner, as we know her today, has not existed for a long time, but for that brief period of time she has existed solely within the very bright spotlight of the Kardashian-fueled media. And, just as the spotlight is fading from the burgeoning transgender activist, news comes that she is writing a memoir, out in 2017 from Grand Central Publishing.

The announcement comes amid rumors that Jenner’s book, which is being co-written with Pulitzer Prize-winning Friday Night Lights writer Buzz Bissinger, could’ve netted the former Olympiad something close to an eight-figure sum. Bissinger, who also wrote the June cover story of Vanity Fair about Jenner, told the New York Times that he plans to report out the story, interviewing “dozens of people” so as to keep Jenner “honest.” So, it sounds more like a biography co-authored by its subject, but his inclusion at least helps to guarantee that the book will be something of a higher quality, regardless of how it’s categorized.

The book will be published in spring of 2017, and will touch on her life with the Kardashians, her childhood, her athletic history, and her life (so far) as a transgender woman. It’s also, according to a press release, a way to process what was perhaps the most intense year of her life.