“I feel like I’m in a David Lynch movie,” says Lotje Sodderland in the trailer for My Beautiful Broken Brain , an upcoming Netflix documentary of which she is both the subject and a co-director.But the experience she thinks of as Lynchian isn’t what you’d expect — no nitrous oxide, terrifying babies, or Sapphic doubles are involved.
Sodderland survived a hemorrhagic stroke in 2011, at the age of 34. And in the course of her recovery, according to the film’s Facebook page, “she found herself in an alien world where words were incomprehensible, her hearing and vision was distorted and her peripheral vision was filled with frightening hallucinations.” Almost immediately, she began using an iPhone to record her experience. “Something’s happened to me which nobody’s really explained to me yet. I started seeing flashes of color,” she says in the trailer. Realizing that her new view of the world reminded her of Lynch’s films, she decided to write and tell him about it: “I’ve discovered this portal where my brain once was, so I’d love to share it with you.”
The director was interested enough in her story to not only meet with her, but sign on as a producer of the documentary, which Sodderland co-directed with Sophie Robinson. My Beautiful Broken Brain will screen at this year’s SXSW Film Festival and debuts on Netflix March 18. Watch the fascinating trailer below.