American Communism, YouTube’s Middle Class, and 100 Days of Trump: Today’s Recommended Reading


Here at Flavorwire, we pride ourselves on not only writing some of the best content on the Internet, but keeping an eye on all of the great writing that other folks on the ‘Net are doing, too. Today, we have a story on the death of YouTube’s middle class, a hilarious and shockingly believable glimpse at the Trump-ified future, an essay about the politicos who call Bernie Sanders conservative, and a few ideas for all you aspiring journalists out there.

Harper’s Garret Keizer reported on some of the highly disgruntled and disorganized communist activist groups too liberal to accept even “socialist” Bernie Sanders.

Lee sees “radicalization on a personal level” as an essential part of her group’s ethos. “We like to root our analyses in the experiences of people in this country,” as opposed to the sorts of ideological “line struggles” that preoccupied and often split many of the New Communist groups. If you held a meeting to struggle over party line today, Lee tells me, most of those who showed up would be white, male, and over fifty. “And most of us are not at the place where we have the left literacy to engage in those struggles.”

Meanwhile, Fusion reporter Jason O. Gilbert set a hilarious timeline of Donald Trump’s first 100 days as president.

Day 69: Install luxurious infinity pool at Camp David Day 70: Petition Supreme Court to allow Secretary of Treasury to be “All four of the people from Shark Tank” Day 71: Install velour cushions in presidential limo Day 72: Estimate cost of outfitting entire White House with heated floors Day 73: Rename White House’s China Room to America Room. Common sense!

Motherboard reported on YouTube channel Game Sack, which announced it would go on hiatus in January because, even with 145,000 subscribers, it cannot make enough money to become a viable full-time business.

As the hosts explained in the post, the pressure of continually creating new episodes essentially nonstop since April 2011 had finally taken its toll. “Even when there were obligations in real life we kept going through with Game Sack,” the hosts said. “You take breaks on YouTube and people lose interest, subscribers diminish and people become angry.”

GQ poked fun at new media sites that rely on personal narratives and “stunt” journalism, which can be any article where a reporter tries something or goes somewhere “weird” just to write about what it’s like. The best part is the pair of notes for seemingly ridiculous ideas that Buzzfeed actually did.

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