Single Ladies Voting and Your Mom Tweeting: Today’s Recommended Reading


Here at Flavorwire, we pride ourselves on not only writing some of the best content on the Internet, but keeping an eye on all of the great writing that other folks on the ‘Net are doing, too. Today we have advice on what to do when your family figures out how to @-reply and interviews with former contestants from The Apprentice, as well as stories on the rise of single women as a voting bloc and the fall of Deadwood creator David Milch.

Buzzfeed contributor and #teen Malcolm Musoni created an instructional manual for what to do when family members follow you on Twitter, based on his own experience with his aunt.

Nobody wants to post a Tweet saying that they want a new Beyoncé album and then have two of their aunts engage in a 10-tweet debate about whether Beyoncé is in the illuminati and how your parents raised you better than to worship the devil. Nobody has time for that; it’s 2016 and we got appearances to keep up.

The Hollywood Reporter reported on how director David Milch lost most of the $100 million he made creating NYPD Blue and Deadwood to a gambling disorder.

“He’s obviously a genius and extraordinarily talented, and he’s got a fire that burns in him brighter than anyone else,” says horse trainer Darrell Vienna, who helped Milch connect with real-life cowboys and horse wranglers while doing research forDeadwood. “But it can cause a lot of damage. He’s an extraordinary person. He’s insightful in everything he does — people, horses, everything — and he’s very insightful about himself, and therein lies the rub. He’s a person of extremes.”

Cosmopolitan interviewed 18 former contestants from Donald Trump’s reality game show, The Apprentice, to get some insight into the presidential hopeful’s TV years.

“Trump does what Trump wants to do regardless of the facts presented to him, [said Apprentice season four contestant Felisha Mason.] “And there may be a brilliance in there, or it may just be sheer stupidity — time will tell. Is he brilliant? Or is he just, you know, emotionally unstable, unethical? It’s intriguing. It’s actually kind of fun to watch. He is many, many things: his biggest cheerleader obviously, and a hyperbolist. But he is surrounded by brilliant minds.”

New York Magazine explores how the growing number of single, politically independent women in America is shaping the Democratic political platform in 2016.

While they are not often credited for it, single women’s changed circumstances are what’s driving a political agenda that seems to become more progressive every day. The practicalities of female life independent of marriage give rise to demands for pay equity, paid family leave, a higher minimum wage, universal pre-K, lowered college costs, more affordable health care, and broadly accessible reproductive rights; many of these are issues that have, for years, been considered too risky to be central to mainstream Democratic conversation, yet they are policies today supported by both Democratic candidates for president.