Listen to Spike Lee Endorse Bernie Sanders for President


Everybody’s favorite political grandpa Bernie Sanders has received probably one of the most significant celebrity endorsements one could hope for: Spike Lee’s.

Maybe it’s just that celebrities aren’t endorsing political candidates that often anymore, or maybe it’s just that Spike Lee’s political leanings are so important and vital to the work he creates that when he speaks out in favor of a major political candidate, it’s worth listening. And listen we did: Lee’s endorsement comes not in the form of a tweet or a Facebook post or an appearance at a rally, but instead in the form of an audio ad telling voters in South Carolina to wake up to the promise of Bernie Sanders.

The ad plays up Sanders’ long reputation as a champion for civil rights, citing his attendance at the March on Washington and, later, his arrest in Chicago for protesting against segregation in public schools. “No flippin’, no floppin’,” Lee says, pretty convincingly.

Lee also endorsed Obama during his 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

Listen to the ad below.