Is Rihanna Pulling a “Poker Face” in “Hard”?


“The video for ‘Hard’ has a very military concept,” explains Rihanna. “We kind of made up all these different outfits — our take on military costumes. We wanted to make it fashionable, but still sexy, still edgy, and a little tough. Young Jeezy’s in there, and I’m in charge of the whole army. It’s pretty bad ass.”

Funny, because all we could think while watching it was how much her outfit reminded us of one of Lady Gaga’s ensembles from “Poker Face.” Granted, we see the pants-free pop tart everywhere we look, but the resemblance is a little uncanny, don’t you think? Catch a 30 second preview of “Hard” after the jump (the full video premieres this Thursday at 4 p.m.), and let us know if you agree.

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