Uneasy Observations of American Life in Photographs


Award-winning Wisconsin-based photographer Carl Corey’s Americaville series, which we first discovered on Behance, looks at the nostalgic, quirky, and dark side of American life in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions where time seems to stand still. Patriotic and religious symbols (and in one instance, a racist ornament) are displayed proudly on manicured lawns and dilapidated buildings. The scenes question the “simple life” that many Americans have romanticized, where poverty and loss have cracked the facade.

©Carl CoreyRichland Center, Wisconsin

©Carl CoreyRichland Center, Wisconsin

©Carl CoreyHudson, Wisconsin

©Carl CoreyWinter, Wisconsin

©Carl CoreyJefferson City, Missouri

©Carl CoreyAva, Illinois

©Carl CoreyIronwood, Michigan

©Carl CoreyBaldwin, Wisconsin

©Carl CoreyAppleton, Wisconsin

©Carl CoreyAmherst, Wisconsin