Watch Samantha Bee Gleefully Ridicule Trump and Mourn the Death of the GOP on ‘Full Frontal’


The GOP is falling to pieces. It’s obvious to anyone who watches mainstream TV. Even if you didn’t see the latest Republican debate, in which Donald Trump made clear mention of the size of his penis, you probably saw clips of it on morning talk shows, or late night shows, or the six o’clock news. The party of Lincoln and Reagan has been seized by Trump and Cruz and no longer knows what to be, and so it must die. Samantha Bee eulogized the GOP last night, and it was glorious.

The segment is split into two parts, the first tearing apart Mitt Romney’s recent plea to voters to vote for anyone other than Donald Trump. The second focuses explicitly on the most recent debate, poking fun at moderator Megyn Kelly’s constantly asking the candidates to “stand by” with their comments when interrupting other candidates, only they never stood by, they always just kept shouting.

Near the beginning of the second clip, which you can watch below, Bee sums up the takeaway from the debate in one line, saying, “I don’t mean to sound sexist, but I think men are just too emotional to be President?” Which, if not true of the entire male population, is certainly true of those who are currently the frontrunners for the GOP.

At one point in the debate, moderator Chris Wallace tried to use plain facts to poke holes in Trump’s statements about the federal deficit, only, of course, Trump doesn’t care about facts. Bee indicts Fox News, saying, “Here’s what your 20 years of stoking peoples’ basest instincts has brought us.”

Is the GOP really dead, exactly nine months before the actual election takes place? Maybe. R.I.P. GOP. Comedians will miss you.