Barbara Bush
Strengths: Strong family brand. More competent than either of her sons. Will not allow brand consultants to talk her into appending an exclamation point to her name.
Weaknesses: Undeniably female. Ninety-five years old as of June 8, 2020. Family brand undermined, perhaps fatally, in 2016. And 2001. And 2002. And…
David Duke
Strengths: Established support base in the South. Qualified support of 2016 nominee Donald Trump.
Weaknesses: Wardrobe. Criminal record (for, um, tax fraud).
Mitt Kasich
Strengths: Unqualified support from the “despairing center-right” demographic. Novelty of combining two former candidates via pioneering surgery (conducted by Ben Carson!).
Weaknesses: “Despairing center-right” demographic now consists of three people and a cat. Unholy gestalt beings have a poor record in primary polling.
Rick Santorum
Strengths: Persistence.
Weaknesses: No one liked him in 2012. No one liked him in 2016. No one likes him in 2020. No one will ever like him.
The disembodied head of Strom Thurmond
Strengths: A solid five-decade record of racism, sexism, and generally being a terrible person.
Weaknesses: Former Democrat. Views seem quaint and old-fashioned when compared to, y’know, Donald Trump. Dead.
Dick Cheney, Mk XIV
Strengths: Successful android clone of former vice president. Replacements can be produced as required at secret lab under a mountain in Nevada.
Weaknesses: Retains the real Cheney’s problematic targeting parameters.
Emperor Palpatine
Strengths: Track record in running galactic empire. Force lightning.
Weaknesses: Will compete with Cheney Mk XIV for the Sith Lord demographic. Signature facial deformities may mean he struggles to connect with voters.
Jeb Bush’s gun
Strengths: Direct. To the point. Quintessentially American (well, sort of). Has learned from past mistakes and will not be displaying “Gov. Jeb Bush” tattoo this time around.
Weaknesses: Foreign policy.
An actual eagle
Strengths: ‘Murican.
Weaknesses: Expressing coherent thoughts, although “Squawk!” has proven surprisingly effective in connecting with the Republican base. Does not appreciate being described as “hawkish.”