In an unprecedented show of solidarity among a disparate group of creatives, three stars of Shonda Rhimes’ shows Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder, along with Rhimes herself, have appeared in an ad in support of Hillary Clinton.
The clip, which is mercifully short at just barely a minute long, sees Kerry Washington, Viola Davis, and Ellen Pompeo comparing Hillary to their respective hardworking, female characters. It’s a great premise, until you realize Washington’s character on Scandal, Olivia Pope, is a literal fixer in Washington, D.C., where she’s rigged elections. And Davis’ character, spoiler warning, is basically the answer to the question “how do you get away with murder?”
“Our characters are on TV,” they say, “but Hillary Clinton is in the real world.” Huh. It seems that, in attempt to show that some of Hollywood’s strongest, most successful women support Hillary, the Shondaland folks and the Clinton team have unwittingly placed Hillary in the same camp as characters who at times act like criminals, and glorified her for it.
Watch the clip below.