Following Her ‘Broad City’ Cameo, Hillary Clinton Allegedly Drops in on a Beyoncé Video Shoot


Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Broad City certainly seemed a big (if transparent, but most politicians’ celebrity alignments are) coup for the democratic candidate who was having trouble getting the support of the demographic who most avidly watches — and gets — Broad City: liberal millennials.

But with reports of a visit to another celebrity’s filming set, Clinton’s new show of mutual fandom may be even more powerful, given the power of said celebrity. For US Weekly reports — based on information from that an unnamed source, so take this with a grain of salt — that Clinton visited Beyoncé while she was shooting her latest music video in Los Angeles on Thursday, March 24. The source didn’t say whether or not Clinton appears in the video — but US states that another source has alleged that Beyoncé is working on a new album that could drop in April.

This wouldn’t be the first instance of mutual support between Clinton and Beyoncé. The singer attended a fundraiser for the presidential hopeful in May of last year:

Hillary Clinton had, likewise, in the past praised Beyoncé’s artistry when asked at an Iowa town hall whether she’d rather be president or Beyoncé. She’d said, “I want to be as good a president as Beyoncé is a performer.” She’d also voiced a somewhat odd but laudatory description of the musician’s skill, saying, “I mean, she’s singing, she’s up and she’s down. She’s just amazing.”

It is true that Beyoncé has sung both while being up and down, but it remains to be seen whether Beyoncé can sing both while being up and down and with Hillary Clinton in a cameo in the background.