Amy Schumer Ventures to Westeros, Talks Jon Snow in New ‘Inside’ Ad


We’ve just about made it to April, which means two things: the April 24 premiere of the sixth season of Game of Thrones, and the April 21 premiere of the fourth season of Inside Amy Schumer. Schumer, who knows the crossover appeal of both of these shows, has christened the coincidence with a new ad kind of set in Westeros, with maybe some Jon Snow spoilers?

Well, they’re not really spoilers, because everybody pretty much knows that Jon Snow isn’t dead — or is he? Either way, Kit Harington is alive, even though he isn’t in this clip. In fact, not much is, just Schumer once again addressing her fame, only now she’s on top of a white horse.

Will the newest season of Inside Amy Schumer focus as much on fame as the recent ads for the show seem to allude to? The previous ad was all about her “overexposure” because of Trainwreck, and in this ad she’s quick to point out that fame hasn’t changed her. It’ll be interesting to see if this is just a through line for the advertising campaign or if it’ll play a big part in the season premiere. We shall see!

For now, enjoy this scant Schumer content as much as you can; surely more will be released in the coming weeks.