Watch Laverne Cox as Frank-N-Furter in First Trailer for Fox’s ‘Rocky Horror’ Remake


If the recent image of Laverne Cox as Frank-N-Furter in Fox’s Rocky Horror Picture Show remake got you excited to do a Time Warp ricochet back to 1975 and into the present, you might want to sit down, because now movement and sound have been added to the remade equation (as is often the case with these motion picture things).

Fox has released the first trailer — very much a teaser, as it’s a mere 30 seconds long — for the TV event that’ll air sometime around Halloween, and in it, get ready, Laverne Cox says things — two things, to be precise. (As is often likewise the case with actors in these motion picture things.) Yes, you now know what the new Frank-N-Furter (following in the footsteps of Tim Curry’s performance in 1975) sounds like — by way of two very brief lines — “Enchanté” and “It’s not easy having a good time.” We also get a look at Victoria Justice and Ryan McCartan as stranded newlyweds Janet and Brad, as well as Penny Dreadful‘s Reeve Carney as something of a hot take (pun intended) on Riff Raff. (Should Riff Raff be a Dorian Gray? I suppose we’ll see.)

Otherwise, the trailer is very — if not a little too — nostalgic, looking a lot like the original with more money thrown at it, and using the original’s iconic font to announce itself. But that may just be a way of stirring early enthusiasm; perhaps there’s a fresh take embedded in the execution that isn’t revealed in this very brief glimpse.
