Watch Behind-the-Scenes Footage of Courtney Barnett and Fred Armisen Filming ‘SNL’ Promos


Every week, Saturday Night Live puts out a short, snappy little promo featuring the host and the musical guest and maybe one or two players from the SNL cast. Well, this week they’ve decided to release a behind-the-scenes look at just how those promos are made, and it’s, uh, pretty interesting!

There’s about ten minutes of footage, and, I’m going to be honest: taken as a whole, it’s not entirely thrilling. It is fascinating to see the junk that goes into producing a snappy two-minute clip for the internet, though, especially because this specific clip stars Fred Armisen, Courtney Barnett, and Bobby Moynihan, all three of them talented people that are fun to watch, even if Armisen is the only one who really gets to do anything.

Watch the video below, via Facebook. I’ll just say this: watching this clip, and even scanning through it, is an easy way to cure somebody of the illusion of acting as a complete vacation. As seen here, it’s an often tedious, thankless task. Oh, and Fred Armisen hosts and Courtney Barnett is the musical guest for the upcoming finale of SNL, May 21.