WernerBot Is Online to Answer Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask Werner Herzog


It’s been a good week for Werner Herzog fans — first there was the news that the legendarily cheerful German directorial genius is teaching an online film course, and now you can also talk to him online! Well, sort of — as of today, there’s a Facebook chat bot called WernerBot just waiting to tell you the things you always wanted to ask Werner Herzog but were too kinda terrified to actually ask. (If you didn’t know that Facebook chat bots were a thing, it’s OK, because neither did we — they were announced a month ago, but have only just started to roll out.)

Sadly, WernerBot doesn’t seem to be as forthcoming with thoughts about chickens as the IRL version:

In fact, pretty much all you get from Wernerbot is continual exhortations to read, along with recommendations of books to which you might consider devoting your attention. The singularity, it appears, is a way off yet. In the meantime, though, if you want literary tips, you could do worse than asking WernerBot for help.