Key & Peele may be over, but Comedy Central’s just made it a lot easier to watch your favorite clips from Jordan Peele and Keegan Michael Key’s Peabody-winning sketch show.
Starting today, you can watch every single K&P sketch at the show’s new “digital destination” — including a whopping 176 bits that haven’t been available online until now. For the uninitiated, the site has a helpful “Collections” tab that separates the sketches by category: “In the End Zone” packages all the duo’s football spoofs; “Drop the Beat” collects rap-inspired skits; “The Halls of Power” features political bits, and so on. There’s also a collection of GIFs and memes for all to scatter across their social media platforms.
If that weren’t cool enough, Comedy Central has also set up URLs corresponding to some of K&P‘s most memorable sketches: typing in,,,,, or will also take you to K&P‘s dedicated site. If none of those mean anything to you, well, now’s your chance to learn!