Photos of an Adorable Little Pup with Big Dog ‘Tude Turned Into a Giant Taking Over NYC


Brooklyn-based writer and photo-illustrator Mitch Boyer, who we learned about on website Booooooom, is creating a children’s book about a big dog that moves to New York City and helps children deal with big changes in their lives. But Boyer’s big dog isn’t just any pooch. The artist is creating images for his story using his own dog Vivian as the main character — and she’s a giant, thanks to the wonders of Photoshop.

What’s so charming about seeing Vivian turned into an enormous pup is that, in reality, she’s a tiny, short-legged dachshund. “Vivian thinks she is just as big as the city we live in,” Boywer wrote of his beloved pet. And with Todd Solondz’s new movie Wiener-Dog in theaters this weekend — about a super cute dachshund who finds its way from home to dysfunctional home, changing each person’s life — we can’t think of a better photo series to celebrate.

Boyer is seeking support for his adorable project on Kickstarter. Here’s a preview of Boyer’s images about the adventures of Vivian in New York City.

©Mitch Boyer

©Mitch Boyer

©Mitch Boyer

©Mitch Boyer

©Mitch Boyer

©Mitch Boyer

©Mitch Boyer