In Difficult People, the Hulu original series created by Julie Klausner — who stars alongside Billy Eichner — Julie and Billy play a couple of jaded New York City comedians who worship at the altar of celebrity. The show’s bread and butter are its biting allusions to the business we call show. We’ve compiled the 10 best showbiz references from the fourth episode of Season 2, streaming on Hulu as of today.
Season 2, Episode 4: “Blade Stallion”
1. “Do you want to see a movie?” – Julie “What should we see?” – Billy “I’m sure Paul Feig has done an all-female reboot of something that he didn’t ask me to audition for.” – Julie “Ooh, what about a gay Gremlins?” – Billy
2. “Wait, so Juggy Jewish Gingers is a real magazine? Graydon Carter must be branching out.” – Billy
3. “I’m worried that the world will never really appreciate how great of a singer Ann Wilson is.” – Julie
4. “Ooh, are you talking about porn? I love the cartoon category on those sites. You know, sex should have whimsy. It’s so fun and fanciful to watch Lilo get punch-fucked by Stitch or George Jetson with a mouthful of his dog’s – ” – Matthew “Matthew, why haven’t you drowned in Bryan Singer’s pool yet?” – Billy
5. “Now I’m a bachelor, and so is my baby brother. We’ve got to go out on the town, just like the skit, remember the skit? ‘Two wild and crazy two and a half men!’” – Billy’s brother, Garry (Fred Armisen)
6. “So your brother moved in with you and he didn’t have the decency to give us fair warning so we could pitch this as a multi-cam to CBS?” – Julie “Julie, I am in hell. He talked all night about how he wanted to go out and party like it’s 1999, which makes me still in the closet at home wondering how they were gonna wrap up Just Shoot Me.” – Billy
7. “Isn’t it funny how Jimmy Fallon slowly turned The Tonight Show into a children’s birthday party?” – Julie “Last night he played pin the tail on the donkey with Pussy Riot.” – Billy
8. “What’s a dybbuk?” – Nate (Derrick Baskin) “Oh, it’s like a Jewish demon.” – Julie “Think Jill Zaren.” – Billy
9. “I saw an open Chutes and Ladders over there and not a single ten-year-old to be found.” – Billy “Jared from Subway’s worst nightmare” – Julie “What do you think haunts him more, his old giant jeans or his actions?” – Billy
10. “Who’s Conan?”– Ines the intern (Mary Houlihan) “Who’s Conan?!” – Billy “Oh, you mean James Corden?” – Ines “Is that supposed to be a joke?!” – Julie