Netflix Allegedly Glitched and Turned Ducks, Wolves, Lions on ‘Planet Earth’ Into Aziz Ansari


Did you know that the internal monologue of the entire animal kingdom is actually just Aziz Ansari’s standup routine from Live at Madison Square Garden? Today, scientists a redditor named benmeiri84 may have made the biggest discovery to put us on the path to communicating with the creatures with whom we share this beautiful planet.

He took to the Internet to show the world a beautiful discovery: that Netflix seems (if truth can truly be as wonderful as fiction, and if this isn’t all made up — though if you look closely at the images, they look a little photoshopped) to have glitched and layered the closed captioning from the Ansari special atop what should have been Sir David Attenborough’s narration of Planet Earth. Apparently the glitch, if there indeed was one, was very temporary – and Netflix hasn’t commented yet on whether it actually happened at all.

Luckily for the animal kingdom, the range of topics covered by Ansari in his standup special is vast, so speaking through his routine actually affords them an immense vocabulary and knowledge of the human experience — from bar etiquette to the difficulties of living in Brooklyn to the deaths of famous rappers.

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

Image Credit: BenMeiri84/Imgur

[h/t Mashable]