Add another incident to the “it’s horrible to be a woman doing anything in public on the internet in 2016” files. Leslie Jones, who was previously bullied off of Twitter by racist, sexist trolls who hated her star turn in Ghostbusters — only to return, become one of the best Olympics live-tweeters of all time, and get a trip to Rio — has now been hacked racist, sexist trolls, in a particularly sickening manner, according to the Daily News, when “someone cracked into her website and exposed what appeared to be private nude photos.”
The heartless hacker also filled the page with images of the “Saturday Night Live” star’s driver’s license and passport, revealing her personal information. A video of Harambe, the gorilla who was shot and killed at a Cincinnati Zoo this summer, was also posted to the top of her website. An FBI source said the agency was “aware” of the hacking and “assessing the situation.”
The website is currently down.
Well, people are really the worst. Fortunately, I suppose, other, less terrible people are marshaling their numbers to offer Jones support online and call the perpetrators what they are, which is pond scum.
Jones is funny and beloved; she’ll continue to do great work, but it’s hard to imagine how violated and scared she must be feeling now, and the chilling effect this kind of thing has on young women of color who aspire to do work that puts them in the public eye.