Pour one out for Adventure Time: The trippy animated series that premiered on the Cartoon Network in 2010 will end in 2018 after its ninth season, Deadline reports.
Adventure Time, which follows a teenager named Finn (Jeremy Shada) and his shape-shifting dog companion, Jake (John DiMaggio), is a kid-friendly show that’s proved to be as popular with stoners adults as it is with the young’uns. Over the years, Finn and Jake’s expeditions in the post-apocalyptic, far-off Land of Ooo became darker and more surreal as Finn grew from a little boy to a hormonal teenager. Adventure Time has won plenty of accolades for its inventive, dreamlike animation and episodes that expertly pack in plot in just 12 minutes; it’s earned six Emmys, a Peabody Award, and a BAFTA Award.
If you’re missing the show already, seasons one through six are available to stream on Hulu, and Warner Bros. is reportedly developing a feature-length version, although details are scarce.